Lifecycle Marketing

Beauty Email Campaigns

  • Trish McEvoy Email & SMS Marketing

    Trish McEvoy Email & SMS Marketing

    When Trish McEvoy was transitioning to Shopify as their e-commerce platform, I worked with the head of E-Commerce to update their Email and SMS marketing campaigns. I provided guidance on this campaigns for 3 years from 2019-2022.

  • Vegamour Deliverability & Loyalty

    Vegamour Deliverability & Loyalty

    I assisted Vegamour with two key lifecycle programs: the first was to segment their email marketing to prioritize their most engaged subscribers, which improved deliverability; from there we built out a loyalty program that grew customer lifetime value.

  • Tata Harper Email Audit

    Tata Harper Email Audit

    I conducted an audit for all aspects of Tata Harper’s email marketing program. This audit included list growth, deliverability rating, promotional and automated marketing campaigns and provided guidance for improving performance.

Bricks & Mortar Email Campaigns

  • Annie Selke Testing & Email Growth

    Annie Selke Testing & Email Growth

    From 2018 to 2021 I worked with the Director of E-Commerce and email team to conduct A/B testing on the Welcome Series and helped them grow their overall email marketing revenue year over year.

  • Dr Martens Email Campaigns

    Dr Martens Email Campaigns

    In late 2019 I worked with the Senior Digital Marketing Manager for Email & SMS to fine tune drip campaigns and build out recommendation templates to be used in promotional campaigns.

  • Windsor Email Revenue Growth

    Windsor Email Revenue Growth

    In 2018 while working with the head of CRM we developed a strategy to grow the volume of email to engaged contacts, which grew email revenue three years in a row. We also rolled out a highly effective cart recovery campaign.